27 jun Nyheter, Wordpress oppdateringer WP Briefing: Episode 34: WordPress 6.1 is Coming! In the thirty-fourth episode of the WordPress Briefing, hear WordPress Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy discuss planning for ... Continue reading
24 jun Chrome nettleser, Nyheter Deprecations and removals in Chrome 104 Visit ChromeStatus.com for lists of current deprecations and previous removals. Chrome 104 beta was released on June 23, 2022 and is e... Continue reading
24 jun Chrome nettleser, Nyheter Faster page loads using server think-time with Early Hints # What is Early Hints? Websites have become more sophisticated over time. As such, it's not unusual that a server needs to perform non-... Continue reading
24 jun Chrome nettleser, Nyheter Attribution Reporting updates in June 2022 The Attribution Reporting proposal is changing for Chrome version 104, with new API mechanisms, functionality, and updates to the aggre... Continue reading
23 jun Prestashop oppdateringer PrestaShop Core Weekly – Week 24 of 2022 This edition of the Core Weekly report highlights changes in PrestaShop’s core codebase from Monday 13th to Sunday 19th of June 2022. ... Continue reading
22 jun Chrome nettleser, Nyheter New syntax for range media queries in Chrome 104 Media Queries enabled responsive design, and the range features that enable testing the minimum and maximum size of the viewport are us... Continue reading
22 jun Chrome nettleser, Nyheter New in Chrome 103 Here's what you need to know: There's a new HTTP 103 status code that helps the browser decide what content to preload before the page ... Continue reading
22 jun Chrome nettleser, Nyheter Generate summary reports with the aggregation service You can now experiment and participate in an origin trial for Attribution Reporting. There are a number of available developer resource... Continue reading
22 jun Chrome nettleser, Nyheter New in Chrome 102 Here's what you need to know: Installed PWAs can register as file handlers, making it easy for users to open files directly from disk. ... Continue reading
22 jun Chrome nettleser, Nyheter What’s New In DevTools (Chrome 103) Interested in helping improve DevTools? Sign up to participate in... Continue reading